Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 47, A Rainy Day in 'Sconny

I was listening to one of the late night hosts today 
and I heard him say that we have been staying home for 6 weeks.  
 It had not occurred to me that it had been that long.  
It's going pretty fast.  
I think the first week or two were the worst.
Once I got it in my head, then it became just a way of life.

Milestone day: Outbreak kills more Americans than in Vietnam War

It's a rainy day in Rice Lake, Wisconsin. 
Nice gentle rain, very peaceful. 
And it is not keeping the birds from the feeders. 
I saw a female Northern Cardinal, she was showing a lot of cone-head, 
so maybe she does not like being wet.

There are quite a few American Goldfinch around the feeders today. 
(I think there is also some hanky-panky in the works.)

I remember coming to Wisconsin to visit, before I made the-big-move, 

seeing the Goldfinch in full mating yellow was always such a treat. 

And now, I can sit and drink my tea 
and watch them all day long. 
I am very lucky.

The American Goldfinch are in full mating color.

This last photo is my favorite.
So, it was a good day to sew.
I whipped up 3 scrub hats for my niece Michelle who is going through chemo and has a naked head now.  She's an RN and I thought these might work well or work, or whenever.
Only low budget models available due to Covid-19.

The instructions are on YouTube

Really fun to make, so easy.
I'll probably make a few more of these for the other health care givers in the family.
I am going to make one for me too, nice to have for painting or bad hair day.

Take care of each other, and to quote our state motto, FORWARD.

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