Monday, April 20, 2020

Covid - 19, day 39

Almost forgot to write tonight, no breaking news.
39 days of self quarantine to avoid Covid-19 Virus exposure.
I saw one of the late night talk show hosts talking about how he was made for this quarantine situation and I have to say that I agree.  I have felt very little agitation about staying home.  What I get nervous about is having to go out into the outside world.  At home, I feel safe, I have plenty to do to entertain myself, and I rather enjoy being lazy.  It all works for me.  I'm lucky.  I've never ever been someone who has 'ants in her pants' to be out and about.  I've always loved being home.  I might extend my self quarantine....

Only took 1 photo today, I was string sewing face masks parts together.
I cut out about 20 masks, and I'll probably get those sewed up in the next day or two.
They go fast.

I was excited to get my new Wyze Band today.  It is a replacement for my Fitbit.
I am really happy with how it looks, I'm excited to wear it, but the process that is supposed to pair my Wyze Band with my phone, will not work for me.
After trying many different sequences, I opened a technical ticket and hopefully I'll hear back soon.
This is a brand new product.
I'm trying to be patient.


Almost bedtime tonight, one of the smoke alarms started chirping, this just happened a couple of weeks ago.  What the heck.  I couldn't for sure tell which one it was, so I ended up taking 3 smoke detectors down and taking them out to the garage, I'll sort it out in the daylight.

Always something, never nothing.

Be Well.

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