Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Covid - 19, 34 days at home

Hey there, how's it going?
All day long I have been in Saturday mode, so I hope when I wake up tomorrow I'll figure out it is Thursday.  Weird how the brain works.

So, today I filed my 2019 Taxes.  On what would have been Tax Day, BC (before Covid).  It's not hard, and I have no reason to put it off as I usually get a refund.  It's just one of those things that works it way to the bottom of the list.  But as of today, it is checked off.

The Cooper's Hawk was back today, gave me a better photograph.  He was hunting for lunch and looked right at me.

It is unnerving when a raptor looks right at you.

I read the rest of the quilt instructions and started watching the rest of the video, but by the time I had played 2 hours of on-line Bridge while Zooming with pals, I was out of gas.  I did but the borders to length, tomorrow I sew.  I have never done multiple borders like this.  It looks like a challenge.

The FedEx driver brought me a new gadget today.
A Wyze brand bathroom scale.  It has Bluetooth and calculates body fat, muscle mass, body water & weight and it even takes your pulse.   Then it sends all that info to my phone.
Crazy fun and very high end in appearance.
Photo bomb by the photographer too

WYZE is the company that made all my video cameras and my voice controlled light bulbs.  Their products are crazy affordable and I have had great luck with all but a panoramic camera that I installed outside (even though it was only rated for indoor use).
My next WYZE trinket, is a new wrist monitor for pulse, steps, etc.
I should be receiving that very soon, and I'm excited.
Shopping while under house arrest is probably not recommended.

Okay, I think I'll call it a day, gotta get rested up for Sunday Thursday and more sewing.

Mr. Cardinal stopped by today, I bet he doesn't know what day of the week it is either.

Be Well.

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