Sunday, April 26, 2020

#45 and Sunny & 60 degrees

The US data is grim and the rest of the world not any better.  Now there is some discussion about the accuracy of the deaths, and that it could actually be a much higher number.  
I keep hoping that the news will be better, but until there is a vaccine, 
there probably is not much that is going to be good to hear.

60°, with lots of sun today.

I got the cushions put on the deck furniture, raked a bunch in the front yard, 
and then had time for a rest & some sun.

I saw my first of the year butterfly, I think it was a Little Yellow.
No photo, he just fluttered by.

While I sat on the deck, Barley stood at the screen door and let me have it.
I have not cleaned up the cat condo yet, but if the weather stays good, I'll get that done.
She loves to be out there.

I thought I was pretty smart today, I figured out that I could use a broom stick to poke the cushions stored in the garage rafters and knock them down, saving me the hassle of the ladder and the up and down.  This fall when I store the cushions up there, I'll have to plan accordingly to be sure I can do that again, it was easier.

Starting to hear a lot of motorcycles, 
many of which are flying up the county road as if there was no speed limit.
I played Zoom Bridge with the Out-West group today too.
A nice way to spend Sunday afternoon, even though my cards were just awful.

I ordered more bird seed from Farm & Fleet, I better go run through the drive through and pick it up.
One thing about the drive through shopping, nothing extra jumps into the cart.
Good for me, bad for the merchant.

Be well

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