Thursday, April 23, 2020

Can't we all just get along on Day 42

You already know the answer to that one.

Little dust-up at the bird feeders this morning.
Mrs. Pileated Woodpecker stopped by. 

I know this is a female because the boys have a line of red feathers that starts at the beak.  
Only the boys wear the lip stick in this family.

She eyed up the feeders, calculating where she could land, and then took a leap..

Getting the lay of the land.

 Figuring out where to perch.

Calculating her chances.

Pushing off.

Scrambing for a foothold.3
 Just as she was scrambling to get hold of the feeder, a gray squirrel gave her an eviction notice.

Then comes the enforcer and runs her off.
Squirrel boldly shoos off the woodpecker.

 The Victor
 I guess there's a new sheriff in town.
Pileated 0 Squirrel 1

Update, the Pileated Woodpecker returned.
Now I am thinking that this might be a juvenile Pileated Woodpecker. Anyway, the squirrel was not on guard and the suet was flying.

Fun to watch, the last of the suet that I'll be putting out since I know the raccoons and bears will be attracted if I leave it out. So, I'm glad this woodpecker helped get it eaten up.

I think I'll make this my posting for day 42 of Covid Avoidance.
I've been doing some sewing, took a nap, writing a note or two.
Pretty quiet except for the neighbor who is mowing/vacuuming/something his grass for the second or third time this Spring.  I bet he can't wait for my yard of dandelions to get going.

Be Well.
Stay Safe.

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