Thursday, April 9, 2020

Covid - 19, Day 28

So, this is 4 weeks.
It really went pretty fast, especially lately once I started sewing and Zooming.
Today I had my first ever Tele-med from home.  I've had a video appointment with specialist while at the clinic before, but never from the comfort of my living room.  

I loved it!  I was seeing my General Practitioner / Family Practice doctor.  I had my list ready of things to talk about, as she gave me advice, I wrote it down.  I left the appointment feeling like I had accomplished everything I had wanted in the appointment.

And since I loved it so much, I get to do it again tomorrow with my Cardiologist.  This will be interesting too as I am wondering about wearing a halter monitor for a few days to see what my heart is up to.  Occasionally I feel something different going on in my chest.  I know he will want me to be on anticoagulant, I'm going to hold off until I see the results of the monitor before deciding on that.  I'm quite adverse to starting that, and am so far on a low dose aspirin.  But I also don't want to have a stroke that could be avoided.

Okay, enough about medical stuff.  So, borrriiinnnngggg.

Ran across my very first, original cheat sheet for Bridge.  I am thinking this dates back to the mid 1970s when I first learned Bridge.  It still works for me.

Today I got a nice note from a friend who lives in Arizona now. 
I knew her from Bridge here in Rice Lake.

This was very unusual.
A screen printed muslin pouch.
   Inside the pouch was a hand printed card.
 Both pouch and card were original creations, what a lovely way to get a letter.

Reading the Rice Lake Chronicle today, I noticed this article about Compost.  While the main theme of the article was how to make your own compost, the author also mentions using a truckload of Cowsmo Compost from Waumandee, WI.  This compost comes from the dairy farm of my other family, The Rosenows.  The World is Small.

I got back to working on my quilt today.
String piecing the stacks of precuts.
I keep thinking Easter Eggs when I look at this fabric.

Then pressing each section.
I added a felt pressing pad to my gadgets this year, and do I love it!
It really presses so nice and flat.
I highly recommend adding this to your quilting supplies.

It gets hard to get much done when I have a helper who MUST lay on the ironing board.

I also learned how to listen to my Audible book via Alexa smart speaker.
So, now I am listening to a book while I sew.
I am currently listening to Tiny Habits, by FJ Fogg, PHD
His theory about starting a new habit, start very small, tiny.
Choose an anchor, like brushing your teeth.
Choose a behavior, like do 2 knee bends
Choose a celebration, this can be anything. Pat on the back, whatever.  Just be happy that you did it.
If you add more than 2 knee bends, then give yourself extra kudos.
ABC, Anchor, Behavior, Celebration.

Once the behavior becomes habit, it will be easier to increase reps or difficulty.

Life is Good.

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