Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Never ever leave home without my camera!

After I voted on Tuesday, I took a country road West from the town hall to head towards Menards.
As I crossed the Cedar River, 
I noticed this Heron standing out on top of the green algae layer on top of the water.  
He was standing there like he was on ice.
As I watched him, and took these crappy pictures with my cell phone, he leaned forward so that his head was down closer to the surface.

 Suddenly, he plunged his head down through the layer of green growth.

 And he pulled out a sunfish.
 I tried to zoom in on his as he stood there holding that wiggly fish.

I finally creeped the car up closer and took yet another crappy shot through the trees.
They he saw me, and flew off with his lunch.
I am going to go back there tomorrow and check and see if he is fishing like that again.
I had never seen anything like it and with my good camera, would have had some very fun photos to share.
It was pretty fun that I saw it with my eyes though.

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