Sunday, June 16, 2013

No drive, how about a walk about the yard instead

I am not going on a drive this weekend, so thought I would post a few pictures of plants in my yard.  Sometimes these posts are really just for me, so I can look back a year from now and see what was happening in the yard.  So, these are nothing special, just a few pics from the yard.
Do you see what I see?  This tomato plant is a hybird, larger than a cherry, golf ball sized I was told.
Always exciting to see the fruit set on so early.
High Bush Cranberry.
The flowers on this bush are so lovely.
The fruit are edible although the birds get all of mine.
Black petunias.
I thought these were stunning and had to buy the planter.
Not easy to photograph, but really striking to see.
I really think clover is pretty, I wish my whole yard would be clover.
This volunteer clover is trying to take over the tomato plant's home, so I had to pull it, but not until I took it's mug shot.
Chives are so hardy, I have two clumps of chives in my yard, both come up first before anything else and then get these pretty flowers.  I think you are supposed to pull these flowers off, but why?  I think they are very pretty.
These Pinks continue spread each year and when they are blooming, they are eye catching.
These were here when I moved in, I've just given them some fertilizer and they do great.
My grape made it through the winter.
This is a concord grape vine, and I really just want the grapes for the birds,
but I think we may be a year or two away from grapes.
I'm just please it made it through the first winter.
One of my bridge friends, Aggie, offered to give me some hostas from her yard.
I have purchased a few hostas so free is always a nice deal!
This area around my pump head is kind of creepy.  There was some plastic edging that was coming apart and looking bad, so I yanked that out.  The landscape cloth is letting weeds grow, it would be hard work to shovel out those rocks, so what to do...
 Aggie gave me about 20 clumps of hosta, so I edged that area.
It looked instantly much better!

Once these hostas take off, this will be a nice shady grove under the maple trees.
In a yard with well heads, sewer vents and sewer caps, a person spends time camouflaging these eyesores.
This cluster of pots is hiding the pump head.
I can't wait for these hostas to perk up and stand up.
New hostas surrounding one of the Frazier Firs that we planted last fall.
The Blue Spruce that we planted last fall has one dead branch but new growth on every single branch,
so no worries about one dead branch.
After working in the yard, it is nice to relax on the deck with Barley.
She really likes being in her condo.  
And since Hops doesn't like it outside, Barley gets to have her private get-a-way.
She digs it.
Chillin' on the deck

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