Friday, May 15, 2020

Oh My Gosh, What a great day

Thank goodness I have to pee often!
I was in the bathroom, and I glanced towards the bedroom window to the backyard, & I saw something  move.  I could see it was big and for a moment I was wondering "what the heck".
Then I saw it was a doe.
She looked so skinny.
I watched her nibbling and meandering into the woods.
She stood still for what seemed like forever.
I stood and watched her.
I finally walked away from the window to get my camera.
She was just into the woods enough I couldn't get a good photo when I saw movement to my left.
And there was the reason she was standing so still, she was waiting for this little wonder.

 The Mom was distracted long enough I could get out on the deck so I wasn't shooting through the window.  I'm surprised she couldn't hear my heart pounding!

 I believe this is a fresh baby, Mom was really licking away at the little one's buttinski.

 The fawn was so small, barely  came up to the Mom's knees.

I hope they stay safe, the county road is starting to be busier again.
I'm not in favor of feeding deer, but I had a bag of cracked corn here for the squirrels, so I dumped it back near where the Mom had been standing.  The squirrels can find it there and maybe Mom will come back with junior.  I set the trailcam up so I'll know if she does.

Have a good day, I'm having a great one!

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