Friday, April 2, 2021

51 years later and still the gift that keeps on giving

 I had my 3rd injection of the  Sodium Hyaluronate (Viscosup) in my left knee.  Trying everything to delay the total knee surgery that I am facing eventually.  In 1970 I had a bad accident skiing which started the life long trouble with my left leg.  In 2014 I had my left ankle fused as a result of the treatment that I got for my fractured tibia / fibula back in 1970.  That fusion helped a lot with my chronic ankle pain, but now my knee is showing the signs of cartilage deterioration & arthritis.  And so it goes, so I'm hoping the gel will give me another 6 to 12 months of pain reduction, and if not, I will start trying to figure out he logistics of surgery & recovery.  That ski accident turned out to be a lifetime irritation.


Barley seems to handling being the only cat quite well.  She eats more, so there must have been some kind of pressure from Hops at the food dish.  Barley also meows a LOT more.  She is almost constantly talking to me.  

She has not figured out that she can be a lap cat now.  I scoop her up several times a day and hold her on my lap, and she's starting to tolerate it for longer each session, but so far, has not jumped up on her own.  I do find her sleeping on the bed with me some mornings. 

I had considered adding another cat to the family, but I think the chaos of that change in Barley's life might be too much so we will just be the two of us.  Our other cats are the outside cats that we continue to feed and see on the security cameras.

I miss Hops but am glad for Barley that she gets to be the Alpha cat now.

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