Thursday, October 1, 2020

Little birdies

 It was so busy at the bird feeders again today, it was wing to wing most of the time.

Lots of jockeying for a perch on the vertical feeder.

It is quite nice to see so much activity, I know it won't last as many of these feathered friends are heading South soon.  No matter, it was great to have them here for as long as they want to stay.

Purple Finches

The first year I had this feeder, not a bird used it, now it is SRO

In the queue

It is not all harmony, these two couldn't share the little cup of water.

I like this shot.  Pine Siskin in the maple leaves.

Pine Siskin, his tail feathers are so pretty.

The breaking news tonight about Covid is that one of the closest advisors to Trump, Hope Hicks, is symptomatic and has tested positive for Covid19.

Awaiting test results for the rest of the Whitehouse group.

☮ Peace

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