Sunday, July 15, 2018

Murderous Day

This is sweet Barley, 
normally she's a very nice cat, 
spends lots of time perched above her kingdom.

On Friday morning, I woke up to hear the cats scratching like they were trying to get under a little bedroom table.  They were intent so I wondered if a mouse had wandered into the house.
I'll warn you, gory details to follow...

They started their stake out.
Eventually, a small mouse came limping out but quickly darted back under the table.

I noticed blood on the floor of my bathroom, so I knew the little rodent was injured.
I was pretty sure this would not end well for any of us.

Luckily, I needed to leave for a while, so I could get away from the drama.
Hops gave up and found her favorite nap spot, but Barely continued the vigil.
She was sitting there when I left and when I got home a couple of hours later,
she was still on guard.

I went on with my day, 
but it wasn't too long before I heard the tell-tale meow through clenched teeth.

Barley had her prey.
But now what?!?!

I thought the mouse was dead, 
so decided to toss something at Barley to make her drop the kill so she would drop it and I could get it away from her before she decided she needed to eat it.
Before I could do that, Barley darted under the bed.
Soon after, she moved into the master closet with her lunch.
So, I waited.

It wasn't long before Barley showed her face again, 
licking her lips and looking pretty proud of herself. 

I scooped her up and put her in the guest bathroom.
I knew what was next.

I went to clean up the mess in the closet and found only 3 little lobes of what looked like liver.
I know, gross huh!
I guess Barley is not a fan of liver.
Of course I was grossed out, but this was not to be the worst of it.

I set a timer for 1 hour, to check on Barley, but it was only about 10 minutes before I heard her wailing.  I went to check on her and sure enough, she had barfed up the whole mouse.
I've watched enough soap operas to know you have to dispose of the body,
often they wrap it up in a big rug, I just used paper towels.

So, while singing the National Anthem at full volume
  (so that I would not puke)
I cleaned up the mess.

Then we all went along with our day, 
like nothing ever happened.
But that sweet kitty sitting on the edge of the couch is now a murderer.

What a day, I was exhausted, as were the cats.

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