Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Winter is a big deal in Wisconsin, not just the season, but the town as well.
This little town has an astronaut on the International Space Station right now and is home to one of the largest greenhouses I have ever visited.
On Monday, a group of folks from the Cameron Area Senior Citizens 
rode a bus to Winter to shop for plants.  
I drove up separately for a number of reasons and in the end, it turned out to be a very good plan.
I think there are 6 or 7 large greenhouses filled with plants for sale and another couple for plants in the growing process.  The catalog from Winter is better than any I've ever seen and is available on their website:, check it out.

Carolyn Crotteau, Secretary of the CASC group




Carol, Madam Vice President

Taking a break

Carolyne and her daughter

Resting in the shade

Carol and Mary

Ardis and Jeannie

Sit a spell


Carol and Mary

Gathering up the purchases

Woodland Phlox
Loading up the bus
By the time everyone was done shopping, there were lots of plants to get home.
I loaded my car full, every nook and cranny, I barely had room for my purse.
The back of the bus was also loaded, 3 big trees even made the trip home.

I headed home and planted my purchases, the bus made a stop for lunch and then I met everyone back at the Senior Center to transfer the plants to the owners.
It was a perfect day for a trip to Winter, it's about 80 miles away, but Wisconsin is so green right now, the miles were easy ones.
The last time I was in the town of Winter was for a basketball game, and then is was really
Winter in Winter.

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