Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Next weekend, Memorial Day Weekend, would have also been Gus's 70th birthday.  I never gave it much thought before that he shared his birthday with that National Holiday.  I suppose when we were kids, adding a birthday cake to the cookouts and picnics was what happened.  I don't really remember any of Gus's birthday parties, but I'm guessing he didn't remember many of mine either.
Lois decided to have a bench as a marker, similar to what we did for Dad and Ev.  On Saturday, I stopped by the Luck Cemetery to see the bench and it is really a sweet place to perch.
It is just West of a huge maple tree, so summer afternoon on the bench will be comfortable.

Gus's military honor is sent into the granite.

As much as I wish Gus was here to celebrate his 70th birthday, I am glad that he has such a beautiful marker and bench in the Luck Cemetery.  I'll be stopping by to visit from time to time,
it's a nice place to sit for a bit.

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