Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A little more snow

It gets kind of hard to think of interesting blog stuff this time of year.  I had to push an inch or two new snow off the driveway this morning and about the time I finished the sun came out and started doing its job.   While I was out in the yard a car load of folks pulled in.  I could guess what they were up to before one woman got out of the vehicle carrying a well worn red book.  She told me that she wanted to talk about making this a better world.  Well, I told her I wasn't interested.  So off she went.  My world is pretty darn wonderful, yes there are many big problems in the world that need to be solved, and yes I have a few aches and pains or little issues around the house, but in general, I am really quite happy with my world.
My 'garden cats' are barely keeping their heads above the snow pack.
Wisconsin version of the Egyptian Sphinx

I love seeing the birds flying in and out of the blue spruce in the backyard.
This Junco took a little breather before heading back to the feeder area.
Yes, those Christmas lights are still on.

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