Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 10 Covid 19 - Safer at home, a 'stinky' story

Across the country, toilet paper hoarders were quick to empty all the stores of toilet tissue.
I kept thinking the supply chain would rebound, but evidently, hoarding is extremely communicable!  So, I have yet to see even 1 roll of TP in the 2 stores I have been to since I started sheltering at home.  I read on Facebook that when Walmart and other stores open in the morning, the toilet paper is first to go, so if you aren't standing there, you can forget it.
So...what to do.
I usually get a shipment of TP every couple of months from Amazon, I had skipped my last shipment wanting to wait until nicer weather for benefit of the delivery person, whether it be UPS or USPS.
So, I am down to 1 roll in each bathroom.

I had been thinking about what else I could use.  
Paper towels, with no flushing, yes, but guess what, I don't have many of those either.
I could install one of the Bidet attachments popular on Amazon, but with my bad luck with water, that seemed like a bad choice.

So, then I was thinking, well, a diaper pail used to always be in every bathroom when families had little ones before potty training.  So, I decided wash cloths would work, but it isn't like I'm sitting on a stack of those either.

So, today I cut up one old bath towel, and now I have 24 toilette cloths to use.
I searched Google and of course this is a popular option with folks who are really serious about saving the Earth, so there are lots of ideas.  Most were squares of flannel, but again, its not like I have yards of flannel on hand either.  So, the bath towel was a good option, it was quick to do and I'm pleased how it worked out.  I zigzagged the edges and ran them through the wash.

Problem solved!

Sorry if this is TMI, but it is my reality.


I chopped down some bushes today, I've been wanting to have these shrubs start from scratch for a few years now, so this will be their year.

I also rode the exercise bike for a while today.
I am watching a movie on Netflix called Yeh Ballet!
It's a Bollywood movie and really interesting.
Of course, I had to be supervised while I was on the bike.

I feel better about today, much more productive, and I have a plan for tomorrow.
I'm going to start setting up quilt camp with a cutting table on risers, then I can get sewing.

The new "Safer at Home" emergency order was officially released by the Evers administration. 
The order goes into effect on Wednesday, March 25 at 8:00 a.m. and remains in effect until 8:00 a.m on Friday, April 24. 
This order requires people in Wisconsin to stay in their homes if they're not performing essential activities such as going to the doctor, getting necessary services or supplies, participating in outdoor activities, working in an essential business or taking care of others.

 The order also requires the closure of so-called "nonessential" businesses as deemed by the state. 
There are many exceptions, including grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations and medical facilities.

What about liquor stores?  I haven't heard...cue the Jaws music

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