Monday, March 16, 2020

Covid-19 Virus

With the threat of the spread of the Corona Covid-19 Virus, I have adopted the Stay at Home policy.  With the exception of grocery, I will be homebound.  I can't control what others do, but I can control what I do, and I believe that I am doing the right thing.

I was home Friday, but did not accomplish much of anything.  I was still in mourning for the sudden end to our high school basketball season.  This year we had a real chance of our team getting to go to the State Championship.  The team is good and on a winning streak.  But, it is not to be.  I always feel depressed when basketball season ends, but this abrupt halt, was really hard to take.  So, I'm allowing myself time to get over it, if that means mindless TV, naps, computer games, snacks, whatever.

Saturday was a nice day outside.  I was still feeling pretty funky, but started to write a few emails or texts to friends to stay connected.  I did a few house chores and held the cat.

On Sunday, I joined a few other Democrats at the office to do a texting push about our local Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate.  We stayed 6+ feet apart and washed out hands upon entering.  I was only there for an hour.  Then, to stock up, I went to Farm and Fleet for cat food, cat litter and bird seed.  There were few folks in the store. There was an antibacterial wipe station at the door to wipe the cart handle.  From there I went to Aldi to get a few more groceries.  The bread aisle was pretty empty.  There was still good fruit and veggies, although the little bags of baby carrots were gone.  I picked up another dozen eggs and some sparkling water.  The store was almost empty.

Monday, 3/16/2020, I am home.  I cancelled on photo club and have no other plans.  A memo came from Barron County to the Seniors detailing the stoppage of all programs.  The in-house lunch program will now be grab & go.  I have cancelled our April Senior Citizens meeting and the Friday craft group as well.  I guess it is up to the art group and the bridge group what to do, but I hope that they will abide by the county recommendations.

My motivation is low, I like being home, but faced with at least 2 weeks of home-time, doesn't fill me with urgency to work on my list of to-dos.  So, I decided that each day I will pick 3 tasks to accomplish.  Today, I'll strip the bed, fill out my census and ride the exercise bike.  Anything else will be bonus.

I have lots of sewing to do, and I'll get to it, but for now, I'm taking a slow approach and not beating myself up for not being highly productive.  These are worrisome times, and although I know I am safe in my own home, I still feel anxious for our country.

Stay well readers, keep in touch.

Here is a link to an eagle's next near Luck, check it out.  Fiber to the Nest

Update: Bed done✔,

Census done ✔

Absentee ballot requested for the rest of 2020✔

The biking moves to tomorrow's  list.

Keep Calm
Stay Home (if you can)
Wash Your Hands

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