Thursday, March 26, 2020

Covid - 19, Day 12 and Spoiler is gross,

Started the day with a normal lunch, and watching The Price is Right.  
And then I felt my heart rate increasing.  
My Fitbit showed it at about 95 bpm.  I was wondering if I was headed to ER again with RVR / Atrial Fib.  Caution, this is the gross part....Then suddenly I had to puke and then have a bowel movement.  I laid down for a bit and then I had to repeat the above.  
All of that activity made me think I was having more than just a little quick heart rate.  
So, off to the ER I went.

It was an interesting experience to try to enter the hospital.  
Screening for the virus with temperature & questions, then I waited to be seen.

You must have on a badge to be in the building.
By the time I was on the heart monitor, my rhythm was normal, my blood pressure was coming back down to normal and my heart rate was slowing down too.  
So, an EKG, some blood work and a chest x-ray later, 
I was discharged with no real explanation of what had happened.   

So, I'm happy I didn't need the cardio-version again, 
and I'm sad because now I've been to the one place I was hoping to avoid during all the virus precautions.  

It's always something, never nothing.

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