Friday, November 25, 2016

Every day is a gift

I have a sign on my bedroom wall that says "Everyday is a gift". I found that sign not long after moving back to Wisconsin and it rings true every single day of my retired life.

This week was Thanksgiving, another reminder of the charmed life I live.  I spent Thursday evening with family gathered at niece Angie's house.   She made the feast and it was good to see the family.
Our table prayer was kind of funny.  Angie's husband Aaron said he would do the prayer.  People were standing in ther kitchen, sitting at the counter and sitting at the table.  I guess Harry and Larry, my sister in law Lois's brothers, didn't hear that the prayer was being said as they were having a conversation about deer.  So they talked loud about deer hunting all the while Aaron was trying to manage to say a prayer.   Finally Aaron stood up from the table, to get away from those two men, who never did stop talking, and just then he saw the dog on the deck was doing something bad,  I think the dog, Milo,  was getting into the turkey carcass; Aaron kept talking, opened the deck door, stepped out and threw a snowball at the dog, closed the door and about then said the 'amen'.  By this time I was belly laughing, as were a few others.  I'm not sure Harry and Larry ever caught on that there was a prayer happening.  Oh well,  we got the idea. I do wish I had it on video.  ♡

Today I watched college football, took a big nap, talk about gifts; 
then got busy decorating in the house.

My brewery alpine village expanded this year with 5 new buildings that I bought at the last day of going out of business sale this summer at The Cardinal Shop in Luck.
Now we have a apothecary,  bakery & chocolate shop, a sausage shop, a big bakery and another Inn.  I also picked up a band of street musicians & a couple dancing.   So,  tonight the village is well lit and looks very festive in my living room.

Above, Florence's snowflakes and doilies cap off the scene.

Tomorrow I'll get working on the outside put away and decorating. 

The gift of another day is on its way.

Ha' det godt (have it good)
(A danish greeting)

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