Monday, May 16, 2011

200 Tulips

Last fall I planted 150 yellow tulips and 50 red tulip bulbs.  I split them between 3 locations and that work has really paid off.
I have already ordered a mess of daffodils to add to the few that bloomed in the backyard this year.
Many Facebook friends have commented that the deer have nibbled off their tulips.  It is an oddity to live in rural Wisconsin and have no deer visitors to my yard, but in light of their affinity for eating tulips and other garden items, I am just as glad.
So, here are some highlights of my tulips and some of my flowering trees as well.
The first location for tulips, is along the West side of the driveway.

The second location is a round flower bed just at the top of the steps to the backyard.

And the last planting was along the back of a raised area between the house and garage.
This area needs a make over.  It is covered in rock which I plan to take off this summer, and then I hope to plant perennials so that this area is a little showy.
Planting the tulips at the back border of this area was step one (and the easiest).
There were 50 tulips in the mix that were supposed to be red, I think they must have all ended up in this area.
This is a more shaded area, so these bulbs are a little behind the others.

At least there will be one red tulip it seems.
When I chose all these yellow bulbs, I didn't really think about how yellow my yard is naturally.  I grow a fabulous crop of dandelions each year and they are almost distracting from the tulips, it might be time for some weed and feed.

On Sunday afternoon I took a walk around the yard and checked out the progress of some of the trees.
The big apple tree is about to pop out blossoms.
I am going to spray this year to see if I can get rid of the worms in the apples.

The smaller of the two trees is also getting ready to bloom, it is a little behind the other.

My maple trees are about done dumping their spring flowers and are starting to make leaves!

I have a couple of these trees, they might be a wild plum, not sure, but the delicate flowers are very pretty.
I think it is Spring, but the temperature dropped to 32 last night.  All my plants look okay, I got lucky.
Today is the last day (#53) of cast captivity.  
Tomorrow they will take off the cast and give me a removable splint to use so that I can shower and sleep with less hassle, YAY!

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