Thursday, December 10, 2009

More Birds

Yes, I do have more bird photos to post. It's big fun to try to catch a photo that is remarkable.
I am constantly on the watch for the male cardinal to give me a photo opportunity, but he is spooky and seems to hear the camera when I turn it on. I caught him peeking around the tree stump and then tried to catch him as he flew off. Well, I'll keep trying.
He perched on this branch, just out of the range of my zoom lens...he's wise to me.
Mrs. Cardinal was hanging around with some of the other birds. Maybe it was Ladie's Aid.
The Juncos are so pretty this time of year.
I am always fascinated by the shadows that the trees throw on the snow.
I think I took this same picture last winter!
Here's an update on 'the forest'.
My little pines are soon to be out of sight for the winter.

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