Tuesday, January 8, 2013

No before shot, but the after is awesome

Last fall when my nephew Kris was here visiting one day, we got to talking about some nice pieces of walnut wood that were stored in my garage.  
Dad had run them through the planer and they were ready to use.  He decided he could use them, and I was delighted to see the wood go where it would be turned into something useful. 
Whether it was that same visit, or another time , I can't remember, but I talked to Kris about a project I was mulling over, a larger table for my recliner that has a laptop table.  He offered to make me the new table and use some of that nice walnut.

Before all the craziness started here last fall, he dropped off the table and today I FINALLY swapped out the old table with the new.
I should have snapped a photo of the oak, oval, small table that came on the recliner,but I forgot.  But you can see how nice the new table looks and how perfect it is for holding both my laptop and the mouse.
I am lucky to have nephews who are so willing to put of smile on my face.
Thanks Kris!


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