Friday, May 7, 2010


When I got home from Iowa on Monday, the orchids from the kitchen window sill were upside down in the sink, and I right away heard something clunking against the bedroom window. Since then, a chickadee has been relentlessly attacking the windows around the house. I'm sure he drove the cats nuts while I was gone, and they were trying to get to the bird and knocked down the orchids.
He poses on the bedroom screen , preparing for his attack.
Then, the attack...flutter flutter tap tap.
Then, after a fashion, he moves to the kitchen window. Same drill.
He doesn't care that I am standing right there, clicking away.
The bird is on a mission, futile, but he is determined.

He seems to spend most of the time on the deck door, which causes much excitement for the cats. Here is a short video of yesterday's action.

I keep hoping he will 'get over it', but I have a friend here in Wisconsin who has a cardinal that is attracted to the mirror on her car and has been doing this dance for months and months now

1 comment:

sherri said...

Your chickadee is a hoot! What great entertainment for the cats. Kinda feel sorry for the poor guy. I hope he stops long enough to take nourishment.


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