Thursday, May 20, 2010

From 81 to 51

I went up to the Sand Castle today to mow, but mostly to measure.  We are planning a work weekend in a couple of weeks for the owners, so wanted to get a list of what we should get done.  Then we need a shopping list of what we need to get all those projects completed.
It looked good after I got the grass mowed.

This pretty blossom was on a tree along the driveway.

We are always concerned about someone breaking in and living in the cabin, well, someone has built a nest on the outside of the cabin.  Looks like some blue fibers from a blue tarp over the woodpile.  Didn't see the nest owner though.
It was 81 at the cabin, nice breeze though.  I forgot my bug spray and the flies were biting and those little nasty bees were on me.  When I left the cabin I was hot and sweaty & it was only about 3 pm, so I thought a quick trip to the beach at Lake Superior sounded great.  So, off to Wisconsin Point I went.
I grabbed a diet Coke, drug my lawnchair out onto the beach and prepared to sit and relax and watch the waves.  But, I quickly realized that it was 51 degrees, I was wearing shorts and a tank top, the light jacket I had in the car was of almost not value, and in no time, my ears were almost frostbitten.
On the harbor side of Wisconsin Point it felt a little warmer, but I was frozen so stayed i the car.
Well, I got my wish, I got cooled off and enjoyed seeing the lake.  Next time I'll have a sweatshirt in the car.

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