Monday, May 10, 2021

Visitors Today

 A few diverse visitors today, and one 'who are you?'

American Goldfinch

Ruby Throated Hummingbird, male
Very crappy photos

This lazy squirrel comes everyday and lays on the plank and chows on the sunflower seeds.

Baltimore Oriole, male

Rose Breasted Grosbeak, male

Now, who is this?  
I think it might be a female Indigo Bunting, but since I have not seen the male yet, I'm unsure.

I'm doing some research on this one.


So, now we are getting into a weird time with the pandemic stuff.  
Quite a few folks are vaccinated, but not all & not even a majority; and there seems to be a political divide between those who got the shot and voted blue and those that did something different.  Knowing that, it becomes complicated to know how much to open up my activities and still be safe.  I understand that having the vaccine makes be MUCH safer, but I still don't want to be around anyone who might be covid positive. There also seems to be a general attitude that the worst is over, people are ready to ditch masks and the social distancing protocols are loosening.  I have been invited to a graduation party for a great niece and a graduation party for a niece, both in May.  

I have declined both.

I have mixed emotions.  

I suppose many will think I'm being 'scared', 
that's the word that gets used to taunt self quarantine-ers.  

Those same people probably have not been vaccinated, just a guess.

In the end, I decided that I can wait before I attend large gatherings of folks that I may or may not know.  I can catch up with the graduates one-on-one if that works out, and in both cases, I can send a greeting by mail...and who doesn't love to get mail.  

Maybe I'm becoming a bit of a recluse, or maybe it's just a weird in-between time of a pandemic.


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