Saturday, May 15, 2021

Condo Living, Words Matter


 I worked in the yard again today.  I dumped the dirt out of my 5 jumbo pots,  
now I can refill them with the Cowsmo potting mix.  
I decided to take a break on the back deck & Barley was letting me know that she wanted to be outside too. 
So, we had our first condo visit. 
It is fun to watch her get a nose full of the outdoors.

I think it is good for Barley to have an outing now and then.
For zoo animals, they call it 'enrichment'.
She sure seems to love it.

Another view of the Martins House.

I dumped the old dirt along the edge of the ditch. 
My plan is to rake it around and plant a bunch of flower seeds that I picked up at the dollar store.

I've been cleaning up around the yard and am tired of some of the pots I had, 
so I am having a give-away at the end of the driveway.. 

This is Forget-Me-Not time. I love these flowers so much but they do not seem to grow where I plant them. 
These are in the grass, they will get mowed over the weekend I suppose.   Glad I saw them today.

So, my blog was in quarantine overnight because when I wrote this post yesterday 
I used a word three times in a row that triggered an algorithm that detects sites 
that are trying to get you to click on a word so that they can steal your money. 
The word I used three times in a row, is another word for 'no charge'. 
When I get up this morning there was an email from blogger saying that they had reinstated my post, 
which they had not done but at least they took off the bright red screen of evil. 

I learned a lesson, words matter.

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