Sunday, September 27, 2020


I am often times mystified by the relative passing of time.  That was quick, seems like forever ago,  or where did that year or 2 go.  

So, 2 years ago I was glued to the Kavanaugh hearings.  I still believe the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. 

Last year at this time Impeachment hearings were ongoing in the House of Representatives.  The Articles of Impeachment charged against Donald Trump were Abuse of Power, Obstruction of Congress..

The final vote was 232 - 196, primarily splitting along party lines.  

Republican Senator voting guilty on the Abuse of Power charge was Mitt Romney. No Republican Senators  voted for guilty of the Obstruction of Congress charge.   The Senate acquitted Trump on both charges on 2.5.2020.

March 12 , 2020 was the last public outing for me. 199 days since Emily and I rode to the basketball game together, we learned of the pending shutdowns as we drove home.

And here we are today, mired in an election that has been maligned by the incumbant; is laced with protest and violence & is all mixed up in policing procedures and racial injustice.

37 more days until election day. Voting is in full swing already; early voting, vote by mail & absentee ballots are happening across the country. I am voting absentee tomorrow.  When we will know the outcome remains to be seen.  Counting of all the paper ballots will take time. I'm hoping for a landslide vote at the polls on 11.3.2020, it would make it easier to cope while we wait for the official count. 

I hope the next 6 weeks fly by.

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