Monday, July 27, 2020

Day 137, Safer at Home

Monday, a nice day weather wise, lower dew point and mostly sunny.
I attended the board meeting for the Cameron Public Library.  I have served on that board for about 4 years now.  Today, our business was to decide if it was safe to re-open the library to patrons.  We have provided curbside delivery of books for those who wanted to order a specific title, now the patron can come into the library to browse for 30 minutes.  I hope this can work and that our library staff can remain well and safe.  There is risk with our county numbers on the rise.

After the meeting, I took a drive to Almena.
Today was the farthest I have roamed from home since 3/12/2020 when I drove to Hayward for the basketball tournament game.
My mission was to check on a vegetable stand there.  I have loved the fresh produce sold at this stand over the years, they have had the best tomatoes on the planet.
But, it does not look like they are planning to sell this year.
I have a phone number for the couple as they were nice enough to sell to me last year, I'll call them in a few weeks and confirm that they are not selling to the public.

This morning, Hops and Barley, were asleep in a cat bed near the deck doors.
They made me think of Yin and Yang.

I have a new plant growing on the back deck.
I think it looks like Hops but the flower is not what I am accustomed to expect from Hops.
I'll have to post it for the panel of experts on the Facebook and see what they think.
My guess is that it could be a wild Hop plant.

My neighbor when I lived in Arvada, Carol, has recently moved to Nebraska.
She sent me a note that during her packing she had run across something that I should have, so she shipped it to me.
I'm not sure what to think of this crazy cat, it is cute or homely? 
No worrieds,  I'll find a spot for him.

Today's Lily.
The variation of color in the petal is just lovely.

A few years ago, one of my Bridge player friends called me up and said she was digging up a slug of Phlox and did I want them.  Of course, I said yes.  She even delivered a large tub of plants.
I planted them along the driveway in my ditch project.  Most years, just at the buds are about to open, a deer munches them off, but this year, we have a lovely supply of just barely pink Phlox.


Wisconsin continues to show large increases in positive Covid-19 tests.
Our county had a jump of 34 new cases, 
23- close contacts of positive cases
1-related to travel
4-related to attending gatherings where a sick person attended
6-do not know how they got sick

It is the ones that do not know that make me the most nervous.
I have 137 days invested in staying well, I don't plan to change my behavior now.

Over 150,000 deaths in our nation now.
Sad times.

United States

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