Monday, December 20, 2021

Volunteering from my PC

 Recently I completed the review of 10 scholarship applications for the Herb Kohl Scholarship.  This is a prestigious scholarship given based on excellence.  The applicants are all worthy but some rise to the top by their achievements.  It was very interesting and humbling to read about the lives and activities of these high school students.  I wish that they could all receive the scholarship, 100 are chosen in the State of Wisconsin and each receive $10,000.  You can read more about this scholarship here.

It was an interesting volunteer opportunity and safely done from my living room.  This is my second year and I really enjoyed the reading.

My next volunteer activity for the year is Academic Decathlon.  This event went virtual last year and remains so this year due to Covid.

This year I am again judging interviews on January 7th.  I also volunteered to read essays.  These essays are based on the classic novel The Sea-Wolf by Jack London.  It was very interesting to read the students evaluation of the themes in the book including bravery and power.  They are given a prompt to respond to and then the judging is based on their content, language and response to the prompt.  I read 12 this year and have offered to read more as tie breakers arise.  Again, I am safe and snuggled in my living room and still able to lend my time to a valuable experience for these high schoolers.

The Interviews will be done via Zoom and that will be a fun day of interaction with the students.

There are so many opportunities to get involved with our communities and I'm glad to have found these two events which I find quite rewarding.

Yesterday was windy, this Northern Cardinal acted annoyed when his crest was caught in the gusty winds.

Even in the wind the feeders are busy as you can see Mourning Dove and Downy Woodpecker in the background.

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