Friday, January 22, 2010


I had a great trip Out West.
It was nice to see Laila and Scott (and the Princess Cleopatra) for a night.  Laila has inspired me to do some painting in my house now, fun, new colors perhaps.
Lunch with a few other 'young retirees' was a fun afternoon of laughing and comparing notes about the 'busy' lifestyle of a Coors retiree....
Gracious hosts, Tom & Roche, made my stay very comfortable.
We had good visit time and even kit-kats Moe & Camby warmed up to me by the end of my stay.
My Coors pals took time out of their busy days to stop by for a beer, or two, one evening.  Special friends from Mile High United Way were icing on the cake!
I was happy to be able slip (security breach)  into the brewery for happy hour in the 6th floor bar one last time.  An unexpected visit by Pete Coors made that even more special to me.
An evening with my friends from my Lutheran days was great fun, many laughs and memories of some crazy young kids who are still friends some 30+ years later.
The time flew by and there were many friends who I was not able to hook up with this trip, but I'll be back.  I know the ropes now on where to park in Mpls, kinda cheap rental car in Denver and how long it takes me to get from Rice Lake to the offsite parking in Mpls.  All first time deals for me this trip, I'm much smarter now.
  For now, I am glad to be back to Home Sweet Home in Rice Lake.
Barley & Hops did fine with their 'sitter', but they seem glad to have me home for a lap to nap on.
I'm feeling very lucky to have such a peaceful home to come to, especially in light of the sadness of the quake aftermath in Haiti.

Tonight I am watching the telethon
Hope For Haiti Now.
If you have not donated and would like to, there is the link.

1 comment:

Hamilton Family said...

I donated after the telethon. How could you not after watching that. Looks like hollywood did their job to motivate. I wonder how much they raised? Hopefully it was a HUGE success.


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