Sunday, September 4, 2022

Road Trip to the Sandcastle

 Wednesday was a hot summer day and I had nothing on my calendar.  I had purchased a trail cam for our Sandcastle cabin and wanted to get it set up at the cabin.  I also was interested in a little time on the beach at Wisconsin Point, since the cabin is about 1/2 way to Lake Superior, I had a plan.

First stop, the cabin.

I was happy to discover that the signal to the cell tower was plenty strong for the camera, this was an unknown until the moment that I turned on the power.  Yay.  Now the camera will capture photos of motion and send the photos to my cell phone via the Tactacam app.  I positioned the camera just off the driveway about 10 feet into the woods.  

I was pleased and continued on my trip North.

I was about 15 miles North when nephew Ryan called me.  I had sent him my sample photo.  He was concerned that the camera was going to pick up the movement of the leaves and ferns that are in the view of the trailcam.  I was assuming that the camera would only pick up heat & movement, but that is not the case.  By the time I got to Lake Superior, I had received 40 photos of leaves & ferns moving in the breeze.

I had my beach time and noodled on what to do.  There really was no option, I had to go back to the cabin and relocate the trailcam.  Google got creative in the tracking of my trip, as I took the exact same route both coming and going.

Third stop:  Sandcastle cabin
Initially, I had thought it was good to camouflage the camera by placing it partially in the woods but since I could not trim the whole forest to give it a clean view, now I decided 'in plain sight' was the better location.  I'm not too worried about theft, I would have a photo of the thief & the camera has it's own GPS, so I could locate it if removed from the cabin.  So, now it has a clean view.  One problem is that it can see to far, but luckily the traffic on Sand Road is very minimal.  I'll have to think about how to avoid getting photos of cars on the road.

It is a pretty spot and a charming cabin.

I stopped by Craig  & MaryJo's on my way back to the highway.  Always nice to share a cold beer with friends. 
It was a fun road trip. 

Now I am getting a few squirrel photos and a few birds who perch on the post, but I am also getting a few deer.  Yay, mission accomplished.

The photos are not very high resolution, but you get the idea.
Last night I saw that it was 37 degrees.  Fall is coming.
I'm looking forward to seeing the seasons change up there and maybe we will have more visitors than just deer.  I am hoping for a wolf or other interesting forest dwellers.

I got caught up in the fun of these photos and ordered 2 more cameras so we can look behind the cabin and to side as well.  Now I'm smarter about where to put them, so installing them will be easy peasy.

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