Monday, January 24, 2022

Dad's tablesaw

 Dad used the same table saw all his life.  I can't begin to guess how many oak cabinets went across that table.  He was proud that he had rebuilt the bushings using aluminum from a Coors can.  That saw traveled with him to New York, and it her places as he was installing church furniture in the 1960s. I'm sure it was also used at Indiandhead Wood Products too. Dad owned that church furniture factory for a few years before a fire destroyed it.

His father, Ansgar, used the saw before Dad.  I'm sure that saw is well over 100 years old.

Nephew Kris took it home summer before last.  He used it quite a bit, but the motor was giving it up.  So, he upgraded to a newer saw.

Then the question was, what to do with the old saw.

Today, I got an update. From Kris, and I could not be happier.

"Well I listed the saw for a few weeks on Marketplace, but no takers. So I finally put it up for free with hopes someone would need it for parts. That ended up happening. A guy from Durand picked it up on Friday. He was going to put a new motor on. So the saw will continue making projects."

Under a router jig, you can see the old table saw.

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