Thursday, July 30, 2009

Solo in the Sand

Last night I spent my first night solo at the Sand Castle. The Castle is our rustic cabin near Gordon, WI. I went up yesterday to stain the new siding and then stayed overnight so I could be there this morning when the propane company brought our propane tank.
I also did a few little jobs, like put a new toilet seat in the Outhouse. Speaking of outhouse, I was sitting there this morning, in my jammies, with the door open...I mean NO cars go by on our road on a weekday, and it was an hour until the propane guys were supposed to show....and I thought heard a truck, then I saw the truck, then I saw the guy hop out of the truck and I was scrambling to get my pants up. I was probably pretty red faced when I came blasting out of the Out House to greet the 2 Propane guys.

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