Sunday, September 8, 2019

The fight goes on

The mice have been persistent in trying to live inside the house this fall.  Barley is a good mouser, but often does catch and release once the mice are injured but not dead.  This has lead to missing corpses inside the house.  Not a good thing.  I got especially perturbed on Wednesday so I called Orkin.  I decided to bring the professionals into the fight.  It is a pricey deal but hopefully they will cure my problem.  I'm not fond of poisoning the food chain, but when it comes to mice, I have to compromise my values a bit.  I would not budge on glue boards though. So, with the help of Orkin's poison, and traps under the sink, hopefully we can slow down the fall migration.  The cats are always staring under the stove/dishwasher, so today I put a barrier there.  I know it would not stop a mouse, but it might slow them down, until the poison catches up with them at least.  
Pool noodles can be very useful.

I took a little stroll around the yard this morning.

Moon Flower - Datura
These flowers are quite amazing.

Random sunflowers are everywhere, thanks to the squirrels who live in my yard.

I planted a hydrangea behind the garage last year, it loves it there and it is at least 5 feet tall with flowers the side of a football.  It is a sight to see, but because it is behind the garage, it is mostly unseen by me.

Still waiting for a chainsaw to arrive to chop these logs into manageable chunks.
I have been waiting since March, I might have to whine a little to get it done before the snow flies.
I had good success with planting Morning Glory seeds in handing pots, except in this pot.
I have a water tray that holds too much water on the roots of this vine I think,
but the will to live is strong, today it gives me a pretty flower.
The fight goes on.

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