Saturday, April 1, 2017


On Friday, I attended the funeral for Elin Larson Dunlap, my friend Bruce's mother.  Elin was just 3 days into being 90 when she died.  Up until the last week she had been driving, singing in the choir, celebrating her birthday and living a very active life.  Sadly, her heart had been weak for years and she left us.  I enjoyed knowing Elin and she was such a fun person to talk to.  She always made me laugh.  Her funeral was filled with music and the pews were full.
On the way home, I stopped to try to catch a photo of an eagle's nest not too far off the road.  It was occupied.  I wish I could see better, it could be that the nest is deep and there might be another eagle sitting on eggs just out of our sight.  This eagle might be the sentry. 

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