Friday, July 22, 2011

Adversity is the mother of invention, I guess

A couple of weeks ago the bears came to my yard and pulled down all my bird feeders.  In the process they bent the poles on all the feeders.  This was about the 3rd time that they have ruined all my feeder poles, so I gave up and decided 'No Mas'.
Then I started thinking about what I could do differently that might still allow me to have feeders again.  Dad and I started talking about what we could build using a 4X4 for the pole, so at least if the bears knock it down, it won't be bent in half.  We kicked around anchoring a 4X4 in cement in an old tire, then we talked about cement in a wash tub, and finally we got the better idea of supporting the 4X4 with an old fashioned Christmas tree base.
Marking the holes for the steel support bracket.

Bases are done for all three feeders.

Base and pole in place with top shelf support

Feeder at back deck with 'annex' of oriole feeder on the side.

Backyard feeder with suet feeder annex.

Front window feeder with both suet feeder & oriole annex.
 A much improved view out the living room window!
The design allows for the feeders to be easily removed at night during bear season.

I learned alot from Dad during the manufacture of these feeder poles.
I ran his table saw too, so that was great.
And we had fun coming up with the idea and during the project work.

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