Monday, August 13, 2018

Wheels rock

This is a note about never underestimating the power of wheels.
I've been dissatisfied with my living room sofa and foot stool almost from the moment the furniture store delivered it.  About 6 years ago I bought an expensive Stressless Sofa and double wide footstool.  It was more money than I had ever spent on furniture in my entire life.  
I'm still wondering why I fell so in love with something so expensive.  
The style was nice, wood and leather in a minimal Danish type architecture.  
The seats semi reclined, which felt really comfy in the showroom.  
But, in reality, I didn't like sitting it much, so over the course of 6 years, 
I think less than 20 butts have hit the seats on the couch.

I've been thinking about what to do and have recently decided to bite the bullet, get rid of the couch set and get something different.  Over the weekend, friend Mary was here for a couple of nights.  We ended up at the mall for pedicures
Mary and Wanda's fancy toes.
and walked down to the furniture store there to browse.  
I got a couple of ideas there.

The next day Mary and I took a drive to a quilt store in St. Croix Falls, and stopped in a Lazy-Boy store along the way.  I found 2 recliners I liked a lot and it was a 2-for sale. 
I took the measurements and told them I would be back. 
So, then it was all about getting the old furniture out.

Mary and I tried to lift the couch to see if we could carry it out, no way.  
I called Glenn to see if he could help me, but I didn't really think he and Kathy and I could lift it either.  Plus, Glenn and Kathy have a big project going this week at their cabin, so coming to RL to help me would have been a big inconvenience, not that they would not have done it.

So, I resolved to love the couch set and be done with it.  Of course, that didn't last long.  Mary left Saturday morning and by 1pm I was on my way to buy & bring home the 2 recliners.  The old couch was in the garage until it can be sold.  
Never underestimate the power of wheels and 'rolling' furniture to move it.
Here are few photos of the adventure, and I didn't hurt my back, in fact I really didn't feel it at all the next day.
Using casters, I was easily able to roll the couch out on to the deck.

It didn't take too much effort to ease it down the steps.

Once on the lawn, by casters were weaker than needed.
I tried using a piece of carpet to smooth out the trek, it helped.

Eventually I remembered I had this 2 wheeler with a platform, that took the place of the 2 casters that got damaged.

The couch is safely in the garage until it can be sold.

Tomorrow I'll start advertising this beauty.  I'm hoping to recoup what I spent on the recliners.
I really hate asking people for help.
Wheels are the bomb!

PS:  Let me know if you want to buy a nice, very gently used, sofa and footstool set.

OH yeah, here's the new set up.
Come sit a spell.

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