Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Little favor

Recently, friend Bruce was here for a quick visit.  While we were looking around in my newly organized and cleaned garage, he noticed a sewing box that I had forgotten all about.  It was some old thing I bought at my neighbor Carol's garage sale back in Arvada about 15 years ago.  I was attracted to it because it had the glass knobs (of course).  I had used it for several years to hold my latest stitching project as it sat next to my recliner.  After the move, it was rickety.  The base was cracked and the paint had taken a beating.  
Bruce suggested that I should strip the paint off and see it is was good wood to stain.  Since I don't do that kind of thing, I asked him if he would do it.  After much cajoling, he agreed to take it home, and do me the favor saying "he didn't know when he would get to it", ya, right.  This was on a Friday, the following Sunday I stopped at his house in Luck and he had already tried to strip it and suggested it would be best to repaint it. The wood was soft and the original paint was into the wood, and there were several kinds of wood used to make the legs and box.
 Again, after some encouragement, he agreed to do me the favor and fix the crack in the legs and give it a paint job.  
This past Sunday, I was back in Luck and picked up the finished little favor.
Sadly, there was no 'before' photo taken, but it wasn't a lot different than it looks now other than the paint is new and the base is solid.  
It was a pale yellow originally and had a couple more coats of paint on it.  
This Citron color is close to the original.

Now, I had to fit it into the living room.
My first try was next to the wall by the second recliner,
but that was a no go.

Then I moved the recliners towards the window and found that the sewing box fits fine next to the first recliner, which is where I sit often.
I slipped some quilting magazines inside that I am looking forward to reading and it even holds my tablet as well.
It might make the access to the living room a little bit close, but I have a plan to change the arrangement between dining room and living room that will open that space up.
For now, it's great.

Barley is photo bombing.
 We have had a rainy weekend, about 3 inches in the last 3 days.
Some things are waterlogged, but this 3 tiered planter is a little bit protected by the garage,
it is thriving, especially that Coleus on the bottom.
I'll have to remember to plant this with Coleus again next year.

I see the hummingbirds are still around, but I've been seeing lots of Nighthawks on the move, so I know the migration has begun.
Let's hope it is a long, long fall.

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