Friday, January 3, 2020

HP 36

On 12/27/2019, we heard the sad news that one of our North Dakota football family had been in a serious ski accident in Keystone, Colorado.  
Hunter Pinke is a roommate & University of North Dakota Football teammate with Noah.  
(Noah is my great nephew, but not a blood relative.  He is Kyle's nephew on Heather's side, but I've known Noah since he was a young man, and life is complicated enough, so...he's my great nephew.)

Hunter's accident was serious, he has spinal cord damage and fractures in his back.  He was in ICU for almost a week, but now is on the Neuro floor at St. Anthony's Hospital in Lakewood, CO.  He has been accepted by the Craig Rehabilitation Hospital once he is ready for that step. His Mom is a rock star at writing daily updates on Facebook, and there are over 6000 followers to his page #PinkeStrong.

Hunter has been to Luck and the Johansen kids have been to several of the UND Fighting Hawks football games, so they got to know Hunter.  He's the kind of young man that takes time with the little kids and has a strong Christian faith.

Noah was going to Colorado to see Hunter and Ruby sent along a special greeting.
We heard that Hunter liked the poster and kept it where he could see it.

Gage is paying tribute to Hunter with his Bball court shoes. 

We are all hoping for a best possible outcome for Hunter.
I only met him once or twice, but I have a strong belief that he is going to make a difference in the lives of many people along his way, he has already touched the hearts of the Johansen clan.


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