Thursday, January 31, 2019

Water is a problem

I've been managing okay with the frozen water lines in the master bath, just keep running the shower every hour to keep it from freezing. 

Last night, I got up and started the dishwasher about midnight, just to move water around so I could sleep more than a couple of hours. While I was up, I used the guest bathroom. As I was at the sink, I noticed a little shine on the floor at the baseboard. I opened the cupboard, and everything under the sink was wet.  I grabbed towels and started sopping up water.  Then, I could hear, and feel, hot water spraying. So, totally unrelated to the cold, another one of those brass fittings decided to leak.  We replaced all the ones under the house, didn't think about the ones under the sinks!  It is a pinhole leak. I tried to tie a plastic bag around the fitting leak, packed a bunch of towels around it, and thought I would leave the water on until morning. So, I went to bed, but after laying there for about a half hour, I went to check, and there was a puddle on the floor. So, then I turned off the well.  I was nervous that the shower would freeze up, but this morning I turned on the well long enough to flush the guest toilet, and the shower ran okay. 

So, the well is off and I've been using Google to figure out what I need to do. 

I'm going to wait until 9 to try to start the car, if that starts, I'll go to Menards and see if I can get the parts to fix it.  🤞 - 29° right now. 

I'm betting my plumber has his hands full, so maybe I can get by without him this time. I'll let you know. 

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