Sunday, January 31, 2021

So the plumbing thing, no not fixed yet .

 So the plumbing thing, no not fixed yet . 

The plumber I had contacted yesterday, Anthony, doesn't normally work on Modular homes.  They are different from a stick build in that the plumbing and heating vents are insulated and then enclosed in a plastic membrane, like a big bag to protect the insulation.  He was willing to do the repair, but had told me that if they had to cut into the plastic, or remove insulation to get to the pipes, that they don't replace / fix any of that. 
So that was problematic , meaning I was going to have to have someone else come in behind him and do that repair, but I didn't really think I had any choices, so the plan was that he would come at 8am today.
He called me this morning, right at about 8 when he was supposed to be coming and said he had a couple of emergencies that had popped up but that he had a name for me of somebody who does work on modular homes. And suggested that I call him . 
He was quick to say he would come if I needed him but that he thought this might work better for me because this guy would also take care of any insulation that he had to remove, etc . 
So I wasn't very hopeful when I dialed that guy's number, Chuck, but he answered and said he would come either this afternoon or tomorrow, no problem . He understood my problem immediately, that my fittings are zinc-a-fying because of the Interaction between brass and acidic water, and when I mentioned the plastic membrane under the house and the insulation and all that,  he said "oh yeah I know about that". 
So this guy is probably going to be the much better choice and probably, since my Ryan the plumber is leaving town, going to be my go-to guy for future problems.

So, I'm feeling pretty good about things,  other than no running water in the house, & no shower, but my dollar store water will get me by.  

This house sure has some bad plumbing voodoo.

Plumber called and he says he'll be here about 10 tomorrow . So that's cool.  Now I know I don't have to wait for him today. 

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