Thursday, October 26, 2017


Birds have their own calendar.
I have a bird book for writing daily observations, and about a week ago I noticed that the Tufted Titmouse had been here last year.  I was thinking that I must have missed him this year.
Then today, here he was and he spent quite awhile at the feeders and sitting outside the window.
I guess I was a little ahead of his calendar.

Tufted Titmouse 2017.10.26
The other day I was so delighted to see a doe and yearling in the yard, close to the windows and in no apparent hurry to move on.

Sadly, yesterday, I noticed a dead deer laying on my grass that borders the county highway.  Sadly, I suppose it is one of the two that I photographed just days earlier.  Wisconsin is brutal on deer, so many are killed on the roadways, especially this time of year when they are mating.  I know it's all part of the deal, but it still makes me very sad.  I'm not sure how this will go with the dead one, I suppose it will lay there until Mother Nature sends her clean up crew to scavenge the remains.  

It's that time of year that the bird bath needs to be kept filled for the little winged creatures to find a drink and the bird feeders are doing some good business as the weather gets colder.

Life is timing.

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