Sunday, September 1, 2024


 The Miracle Ear keeps calling Tim Walz and, Tampon Tim. Name calling is so juvenile.  I'm this case, I think it is quite the badge of honor. Governor Walz signed a bill in Minnesota that provides period products in school restrooms.  
I see this as an act of compassion & understanding. Anyone who has been in the situation of needing those supplies knows what a relief it would be to have a free supply available. 

I had noticed a tray in the bathroom of our public library with a few free tampons and asked in the library who was supplying those products. Turns out the library staff was taking turns buying and stocking the trays with these products. I ordered a case of tampons and a case of pads and delivered them to the library. I told them to let me know when the supply gets low, I'll bring more.

Thanks Tim for giving me the idea. 

(And if I wrote about this once before, oops.)

65 days will go fast, make a plan to vote, check your voter registration status, encourage people you know to vote. 


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