Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hail storm damage is finally completed

 A hail storm hit my house in July of 2023.  

The roof and 1/2 of the siding were replaced. The decks were in rough shape and needed some carpentry before the power wash & stain.  I hired a young handy man from Cheek and today the last of the staining was completed.

My wooden decks had been in need desperate of stain, so obvious in the before and after photos.  I had stopped noticing. The power of before and after photos. 

After the lumber was replaced, the decks were power washed.

Finally, a new cost of stain. 

I still have touch up to do between the deck boards, but the bulk of the work is done. 

Ya, that's better. 

Still some work to do, but it feels good to have it at this stage.  It also feels good to be done dealing with insurance company, contactor and handyman.  I kind of hate that kind of stuff. 


It is National Register to Vote Day

Check your registration, make a plan to vote.

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