Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August and Alaska

 Summer seems to be fleeting, some really nice days this week, but I noticed that my Sea Grass is heading out, so that is a sign I suppose.   My lawn guy mowed this patch of Sea Grass right down to the ground this Spring.  I wasn't too real happy about it, but as it turns out, that was just what it needed.  It has come back stronger than ever.

My nephew, Kris, is on a big adventure.  He flew to Fairbanks, Alaska last Friday morning.   From Fairbanks they drove to Coldfoot.  In Coldfoot, they boarded a small plane to be dropped off for 2 weeks of Caribou hunting.  The trip of a lifetime for an avid hunter.  I know Gus must be with him in spirit.
I asked Kris to show me on the map where he was headed.  It looks like this is very close to the Arctic Circle.  The small plane has weight restrictions so he has been dieting.  Every pound not on him, could be in his pack.  

On Saturday, Kris sent me a text from Fairbanks.  This was what greeted him.  

I hope it is a good omen.  

He will be home on the 29th, I'll be worrying until then, of course.

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