Wednesday, February 14, 2024

I'm ready for deck time

 My cushions for the back deck furniture need recovering, they are gross and fabric is shredding. 

I kept thinking that I should take off the old covers and sew new ones,  but it seemed daunting to take on such a huge job, it would take a ton of fabric too. 

I tried buying a new cushion, planning to replace all 7 cushions, but it did not fit and was not firm enough.  

I considered an upholstery shop but figured that could be very spendy.  

 Finally, I considered having the junk man haul off the old set and starting over new,  but that involves logistics and $ too. 

 Anyway,  an ad popped up on the internet for cushion covers, meant mainly for dog owners. But then I found some that are waterproof.  

So,  for $60, I ordered 6 covers, which is one short of what I needed,  but the 7th cushion is on the rocker that I never sit on.  

Anyway,  they came yesterday and when I got home today, I opened them and tried them out. 

It is the PERFECT solution. I can't even believe it.  I might cinch up the elastic as they are a little loose, but it is such a wonderful solution,  I'm just amazed.  And they easily can be pulled off and washed or hung to dry.  Amazing. And $60. 

 It's a good day. 

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