Tuesday, March 5, 2019

3am blues

I woke up needing to go to the bathroom at about 2 a.m. this morning. For whatever reason, I decided to walk out into the kitchen and noticed that the floor was way too shiny. 

And about that same moment I can hear the water running.

So, I ran for the shut off for the pump and got the water stopped. And then started looking for the source of the leak which turned out to be in the wall behind the dryer near the hookups for the washer and water. There must be another fitting in there that we have yet to replace. 

This is the problem!

So, then I pulled the 3 big rugs outside, they will be frozen until Springtime I suppose. Then I used every single towel out of both linen closets to try to sop up the water before the carpets and everything else were wet.

What a mess!

It was about 4am when I went back to lay down,  hot & sweaty.

I figured out how to send a text message at a certain time,  so wrote the message to my plumber to send at 6am, and finally feel asleep. 

My plumber is coming this afternoon.
  I'm hoping he can fix it from in the house, the access to the crawl space is under a bunch of snow!

In the meantime, I drove to Birchwood to buy tournament tickets for Thursday, 
Go Cardinals!

 then I stopped and had breakfast & used the bathroom at my local diner,
 last stop was Menardos for new entryway rugs.

Now,  I'm going for a quick nap before the plumber arrives.

And so it goes...

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