Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Newbies and such

 The day started out with humidity and temperature in the 80s.
This is not a comfortable combination.
About noon, a storm rolled through.   
It looked threatening.  
All we got was a little bit of rain, but the temperature and humidity did drop off, for a bit.

Harvest Hills is across the county road from my home.
It's the Pumpkin Patch in the fall, and an event center the rest of the year.
The building on the left is new this year, the barn is a 100+ years old.

Looks like the oriole family has fledged.
This afternoon the front yard was busy with young ones begging for food.

This young oriole was after the red bead on a swing I hung for the hummingbirds.
The bead is supposed to attract hummers.
This Oriole worked and worked to grab it, over and over.
I'm glad it is well attached, otherwise it would have been down the hatch.

 The adult Orioles were really at the jelly today.
I guess they have a growing family to feed.

I saw lots of this activity today.
Young birds begging for the parent to regurgitate some food for them.

The Orioles are so stunning.

The young ones are not much smaller than the adults, but they are just getting some color.

This very young hatchling was very tentative about approaching the jelly feeder.

It was fun to watch him finally get to in the feeder and help him/herself.

Keeping an eye on the camera lens.

 This afternoon a squirrel was pigging out at the bird feeder.
It looked like he was wearing the perch ring like a seat belt.

 It is lily time.
The first of the day-lilies are blooming.
I can never really remember how long they bloom, 
so this year it will be easy to track since the start was on 7/4.

Things out front are looking like July.
Hops are doing great, trying to grow into the front door some days and starting to flower.
Hostas are big and flowering too.
My red and white petunias are growing out of their containers, that might need my attention.

So, I'm always anti fireworks, and this year is not different.
The household animals get spooked, I get spooked and I can only imagine what the wild critters think.

So, this is my fireworks for this year.
The Tiger Lilies are everywhere and going wild.

Happy Independence Day.

NPR always reads the Declaration of Independence on 7/4 so I listened to it before I got going this morning.  It's kind of good to remember that it isn't just hotdogs and cold beer.

Hope you had a good holiday,
I think I'll go have a hotdog and a cold beer now.

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