Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Will they stick around

Two male Indigo Buntings were in the yard this afternoon.
I sure wish they could find housing near by.
It's a treat to see them, even on a cloudy day, they are brilliant.

The wind took down one of my Maple trees about 7 foot up, the Woodpeckers had drilled a line of holes in a row, I had worried that the tree would be weak, guess I was right.
A little hand saw work and I got it cut off 
with exception of the 4 feet that is still  hanging by the bark that is too high for me to saw.
That piece should fall in the wind tonight, and it won't hurt anything.
My lawn mowing dude was here today, and this tree broke off after he had been there, I'm sure glad it didn't clonk him on the head as he was mowing!

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