Wednesday, May 1, 2019

More memories

I've nearly finished my project of purging the office and making it more sewing room than storage of documents.  Along the way, I've run across some fun items.
The category of this posting is Hodgepodge.

I don't know what the joke was here exactly, or when this was taken,
but sister in law Kathy has probably never ever drank a Coors Light in her life,
so there is more to this story for sure.

I remember thinking this little ID card sized, laminated copy of my HS diploma was so neat when we got them, but of course, I never ever needed to show it to anyone.
I wonder if the added expense has since been curtailed.

About 30 years ago, cousin Gary and wife Maru stopped to stay with me in Arvada.
We made this recipe for supper and I remember that I loved it.
Maru and Gary are no longer a couple but we remain friends, and I'm planning to make this recipe this week.

It is fun, 
but slow going,
 to look through all these bits and pieces of memorabilia that I have saved.
It does make me smile.

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